Welcome!Thank you for your interest in the Oregon Chapter of The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR). Our organization is a resource for learning about the rich history and heritage of this ethnic group.
Migrating primarily from the German speaking areas of Western Europe beginning in the 1760's, these colonists settled in many parts of the Russian Empire where they built stable communities, established farms, churches, schools and businesses in their new homeland. In the late 19th century, many of these ethnic Germans looked to the Americas to find new opportunities, escape political repression and preserve their way of life. By the early 1880's these pioneers were moving west and many made their new homes in the Pacific Northwest. The Germans from Russia became an integral part of the diverse fabric of Oregon and Southwest Washington. We hope that you will join us to explore the culture, history and heritage of the Germans from Russia and become active in its preservation. |
Upcoming EventsLunch at Gustav's
Last updated January 28, 2025.